wanted a 20mm powerjet carb for a long time, and now I've got one, NOS from ebay. I thought this would be the perfect period correct "racing" carb for the C110. I have some 22mm's off a CB72, but they are just a bit too big.
Made a flange to mount the carb to the frame in original position, and the manifold that came with the carb was turned down to fit a S65 rubber that fits onto the original C110 manifold.
Today I finished mounting my newly cast footpegs and pedals.
Replica RS125 footpegs with Replica CR110 brake and shift pedal mounted to the brackets I made earlier, also had to make a new shifter connecting rod because my pedals are further back now and higher. So the next thing will be to make a higher paddockstand as the old one is too low now. (or I might just steel it from the SS50 racer which is momentarily parked behind the sofa)
just some sanding, beadblasting and polishing to do, to really finish it, but I'm really happy with the results so far.
Today, I tried casting some more parts in aluminium, a bit more difficult shapes this time.
Method as explained by myfordboy
first you fill the "top" and mould the models in.
Then you make the bottom, and scrap the top, as it will not have been formed fully under the models you poked into the sand. Risers in place.
New top made, ready for metal.
One CR110 shift lever and a not fully formed RS125 footpeg.
As the oven was warm and I had some more molten metal, I hurried to make another mold and cast another RS125 footpeg, this one is fully formed and can be used even though the underside isn't that pretty because I made a small mistake.
Time to start experimenting with some new sand I bought and to make more casings for making molds, so next time I will be able to cast more at a time.
I've collected too much stuff for a lot of projects, also some stuff gets replaced, so I have to clean up a little bit.
There is an ad on the dutch 4stroke moped board, but why not but it on the blog too.
Pictures can be found here of everything that is for sale, parts for many different types like C110, CB50, SS50, SL90....
Help me get rid of some of my old stuff so I can build more cool stuff and put it on the blog.
See something you like, give me an e-mail, adress can be found on the right, just under the list of parts I'm still looking for, maybe we can trade.
Today's work, well a bit of it.
The front brake anchor made from aircraft grade aluminium with a custom bolt to hold it to the brakeplate with M8 12mm castle nut
anybody have an extra front brake arm, early cast steel type?
The big rim, spokes and tires changout trick is just about done.
The wheels off my C110 streetbike have been laced up to 17" rims again, alloy morad, just untill I can find original DID rims. And the hubs for the C110 racer came in from belgium and after some beadblasting and pollishing, have been laced up to the old 18" rims that came out of the other bike.
Now it's really starting to look like something, with wheels and tires in the correct dimensions. Still need a front brake arm, some bearings and then its on to make a fender and so on.
My newest project, aluminium casting.
Because all the cool parts I want on my bikes were made from sandcast alloy back in the days, and now are not, or seldom for sale anymore.
Today was the first attempt to create a casting and it turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself.
Still have some work to do in the form making department, but this first result makes me want to do more.
Form ready for casting, what do you think it will be:
Just poored:
just pulled the object from the sand:
And machined to fit a (somewhat modified) SS50 ignition cover:
It is a bit higher then standard, but that is to be able to mount a 12v crankshaft. And because I made a simple form for a first casting attempt.
Now to refine the process and make a few more covers before I start doing something else, like rearsets, cilinderhead covers and brakeplates.
This is pretty much al the ready to go parts I can bolt on now, next will be some swapping of rims, hubs and spokes, so both C110's can get their wheels built.
And sending out some cylinders to be bored out to 60cc's so I can rebuild the engines.
just started putting some parts on
Found some parts to put together a set of rear shocks with NOS top covers and used chrome ones that are still okay, with stiffer springs on the inside. Hub was supplied by a friend, brakeplate and sprocket carrier I still had.
disregard the OHC engine casings, they are just weight to keep it from flipping backwards and chipping the paint.
Bottom yoke, lower legs and chain guard freshly painted
the Black parts are for my dad's BMW sidecar.
and a set of clip-ons made in CR110/RSC style
now also painted.
Tomorrow when the paint is dry, I can really start getting it together.
Anyone who could help me get a set of rear tank cushions?
As of today, I have a red C110.
Thanks dad for painting it.
As seen in the picture it was painted outside, so there is a fly or two in there, but then this is an old-school racebike, this is the way they did it back then. Maybe someday if I were to restore it, it could be painted again, but for now it is more the case that this one is saved from the scrapheap.
I compared my new CR31 to the CR29 I was running on my S90.
They both seem to be made in the same casting, so lucky for me, I won't have to go looking for another intake rubber that will fit, I can use the type I have and just order some extra.
Here are some pics of the carbs side by side:
(the 29 is the "dirty" one)
funny how they both have the tickler on the same side, but the cables on opposite sides, probably for some specific purpose.
just arrived from Germany today:
a couple of brand new Keihin CR31's
I already had the resin velocity stack, but I put it in the picture anyway, because I took it out to see if it would fit these carbs. Also very odd is the velocity stack with flange to fit an air filter, never seen one of those before.
Tomorrow I will compare to my CR29.
I changed the brake and clutch levers to Original stuff.
the old ones (not even Honda, but they have the cool ribbed levers and no mirror mounts):
(old pic, back then still with alloy top plate)
the new ones, original Honda as used on the racebikes with the springs and big adjusters:
Okay, they have mirror mounts, but according to my CR110 parts list, there wasn't even a different part number for the ones without mounts.
Made the cables with original NOS grey cables, thin 6mm with special endcaps made to fit the adjusters that are made for 7mm cables. Thinner cables save weight :P and it just looks better on a small displacement bike.
After this I started getting all the pieces together for the rear brake cable, will probably finish it tomorrow.
Decided on using the replica CR110 brake and shift lever, but the pegs that go with it, are just too wide and would cost me too much ground clearance. Therefor I was looking for some footpegs with a classic look, not the CNC knurled modern stuff. For now I've decided on a set of cast alloy pillion pegs from any modern Honda, but turned on the lathe to remove the hinge part.
I know the method too turn them looks bit odd, but it actually worked pretty well.
Okay, they aren't RSC replicas, but it looks a lot more classic then all the CNC milled stuff out there
The RSC90 will receive a CR110 brake pedal, originally the cable attaches to it by means of a pin that goes thru the pedal and the end of the brake cable which is a flat piece of steel with a hole in it, as can be seen in the picture of this original CR110:
This is not a standard available cable part, nor is there a similar cable which could be used as a donor.
Therefore today I went to play on the lathe and created a few:
Still needs some finishing and I want to experiment in making them thinner, but then they will also go to the zinc plater. When they come back, I can finish the new rear brake cable.
The RSC is on the lift again, this will be the winter that some modifications will be made.
I've started on the foot pegs, they are going up for ground clearance. The original CYB pegs were just to low and will be moved to a CB72 project that some day will be built for street use. In the picture can be seen a new bracket made to fit the CB72 alloy plates, temporarily mounted the CR110 brake pedal and then built the brake cable stay and stopper screw fitment.
just needs some grinding to finish it off and then it can go to the zinc-plater.
other planned modifications:
- build a new front fender
- replace rear hub with original S90 part (CD50 until now)
- fix 4speed gearbox and make it close ratio
- fit 122cc kit
and if possible, fit fairing, build new tank, paint.......and so on
How do you mount a big vintage carburetor to an SS50?
Step one; buy a big monkey manifold.
Step two; cut it up, weld it back together and turn it on the lathe to fit an original Honda carb boot.
Step three; mount it and add CB750 carb modified to take a normal throttle cable.
Oh, step four; tidy it up, but I still have to do that to the whole 120cc motor.
Everything will be glassbeadblasted to match.
And now just keeping my fingers crossed that I can get this carb to work. My dad has used them before on 125cc motors, so luckily I can peek at those for the jetting.
My SS50M motorcycle needed some new front fork, the Original shortened 25mm forks were just not strong enough for the heavy abuse with a 100+ cc motor and a stoppie producing front brake.
So now some leftovers from the Race project, a set of 27mm forks with CY50 lowers, and for now the front fender of my RSC90 although that is rubbing against the tire.
When working on the forks, I discovered a leak in the CD50 fuel tank, so that was swapped for my old SS50Zk1 tank with modified flip up filler and a racing seat in matching colours, RC style.
tank and seat combo is for sale or trade, if anyone is interested.
As I am gathering spares to restore my C110, I was realizing that a lot of stuff will be left over at the end of the restoration. Tank, engine, forks....
So when I heard that a friend should have an extra frame laying around, I contacted him to make a trade. And so started this project.
It will be a C110 race bike with mostly period correct original racing parts
For now a quick mockup with the CR110 forks and the wheels taken out of the SS50 race-project which will be cancelled for now (leftovers for sale)
Had a problem with my SS50 not running well, but it wasn't consistent, mainly in the higher revs but not always and not with a particular throttle position.
Till at some point, I was looking down at the motor again, while riding, I figured out that it was my leg in front of the carburetor disturbing the airflow....
Solution: take of the cheap crappy long velocity stack, and make a nice shorter one, so I get more clearance to my leg.
turned from the top of some old gas bottle
no more ugly rubber ring holding the screen, but a nice internal "filter" to keep out bugs and rocks.
The tyres on my moped needed changing, they were pretty well worn and probably 8 years old or more.
I decided to go for the classic look, and ordered a Duro front tyre with the idea that this couldn't be all bad, as Honda used them themselves. The rear is a heidenau, but that actually has less grip then the 8 year old Conti, oh well, it is just a moped.
While busy, I swapped the fenders for chrome ones, they go better with this model tank (that i still need to find sidepanels for) the front is a NOS Original one, the rear is a replica that has been on this bike earlier.
Last weekend I had the RSC90 out to play again.
My dad and I entered in a 3-hours event on saturday evening with our co-rider John, this time on his Egli CB750
picture thanx to chalopy
A real experience to ride a real Egli, but the bike isn't built for small twisty industrial-park circuits.
I had a look at pictures of the track before and thought it might just be nice for the RSC90, even with it's horrible gearbox ratio's.
So I took it out of the corner where it has stood for a year or two, dusted it off and took it with me.
Ralph came to have a Look also and took some really nice pictures.
even an action shot
I had a really nice time with this bike again, dispite the horrible gearbox and lack of ground clearance.
I rode the 2 heats without muffler (for the first time)
And the bike sounded great, just like small displacement Honda's from back in the days should sound.
again, thanx to Ralph for the movie and putting it on youtube and his own blog
even I, who rode the bike wearing ear plugs, can't get enough of this sound, so I don't want to keep it from you followers.